In The Moment - Tune-up, Acting Masterclass
In The Moment – Tune-up
Søndag den 22. maj 2022, Kl. 11:00-16:00
Skuespillerskolen Ophelia, Gasværksvej 4e, 1656 Kbh. V
In The Moment er en amerikansk skuespilteknik udviklet af teater-iscenesætteren Robyn Lee. En teknik der hjælper dig med at finde hurtigere ind til energien og arbejdet, i teksten og i tilstedeværet på scenen. Teknikken er velegnet til både film og teater.
Undervisningen foregår i masterclass format, hvor I skiftes til at være på gulvet mens resten ser på og lærer.
Du skal op til kursusdatoen forberede 1-2 små engelske tekster som Robyn Lee gerne hjælper dig med at finde.
OBS: Der undervises på engelsk.
Afholdes søndag d. 22. maj 2022 i tidsrummet 11.00-16.00.
Pris: 1.500,-
Sted: Skuespillerskolen ophelia, Gasværksvej 4E, 1656 København V.
A 1-day look at how you are acting with the author of IN THE MOMENT: The Art of Being + TABs: Meditations on Acting Life. Robyn Lee
Locate your self on the map of you. Identify habits that drag you down. Tune up your energy. Master the space between you and the rest of the world.
Robyn Lee has created and led workshops of In The Moment Acting both nationally, and internationally: Michael Howard Studio, NY. Stella Adler NY & LA. The Actors Institute, NY. The European Film College Denmark, Ophelia Actingstudio, Copenhagen. National Theatre, Bergen, Norway. Polen Theatre, Amsterdam. The Actors Centre, Sydney, Australia. Spiral-E, Vienna. Stephens College, Missouri; Burr and Burton Academy, Vermont.
Private sessions with Robyn by appointment
Her får du chancen for en hel dags intensiv skuespillertræning med nogle af Danmarks bedste undervisere – ganske gratis.
Du får samtidig muligheden for at møde de studerende og nogle af underviserne på Ophelia i øjenhøjde. Du får et stærkt indtryk af niveauet, arbejdsformen og vores målrettede tilgang til skuespillerfaget.
Dagen begynder med lidt fysisk opvarmning og derefter møder du Jesper Bruun, som tager dig igennem en lille times Chekhov-teknik.
Derpå er der introduktion til stemmearbejdet for en skuespiller.
Så kaster Christine Wolff dig ud i at arbejde med Meisners repetitionsteknik, der er fundamentet for det nærværende og ægte skuespil.
Til sidst får du scenearbejde med tekst styret af skolens rektor Carsten Kressner.
Og endelig slutter dagen med mulighed for at få en snak med studerende og undervisere og stille alle de spørgsmål du måtte have til uddannelsen.
Masterclass for actors
Yael Gaathon
Forventet start:
Afventer startdato
Pris: 1800 DKK
Master class for actors with Yael Gaathon, the artistic director of the Butoh company Blue Cliff.
She has been working with Butoh for over 20 years choreographing, performing and teaching. She views Butoh as an extreme form of sincerity, both in presence and i creation. It is the soul that dances, revealing itself, sharing intimacy and darkness, joy and weakness.
The master class: In this master class we will dive deep into detailed work to improve our sincerity and presence. We will work both on deliverance of text as well as physicality, facial expression and body language. Using tools from Butoh we will strengthen our core and center and improve our inner trust. By tapping into our inner strength we will learn to use and manipulate our energy in different ways to be able to deliver the variety of qualities and expressions different characters and genres demand.
When: 2×5 hours, 17.30-22.30 on Thursdays February 28th and again on April 7th. (w. 9 & 10) 2019
Yael’s work has received accolades in the press, among them:
“A dance with thrilling energy” – The New York Times
“Yael [Gaathon] is brilliant – Information, DK
“Tall, striking Yael Gaathon radiates serenity in repose – dances with shamanic intensity, one of the cast’s 10 remarkable actors” – San Francisco Examiner
“Yael Gaathon’s [performance] is atmospheric and moving” – Teater1, DK
Butoh workshop
Yael Gaathon
Forventet start: Afventer startdato
Pris: 1800 DKK
Master class for actors with Yael Gaathon, the artistic director of the Butoh company Blue Cliff.
She has been working with Butoh for over 20 years choreographing, performing and teaching. She views Butoh as an extreme form of sincerity, both in presence and in creation. It is the soul that dances, revealing itself, sharing intimacy and darkness, joy and weakness.
The workshop:
Dance, improvisation, technique and awareness. The work is a combination of precise, focused exercises and improvisational, creative dance. We will use exercises to strengthen our connection to our body and our center, as well as our awareness to our movement, to the space and to our perception of time.
The workshop is open to all interested in exploration and movement, no prior experience in Butoh or dance is needed.
When: April 6th-7th 2019. Saturday & Sunday 10:00-16:00.
About Butoh:
Butoh is a modern dance style that originated in the late 50’s in Japan. The founding fathers of this style, Tatsumi Hijikata and Kazuo Ohno, collaborated for many years and created a new approach to dance which was later called ‘Butoh’.
Although Butoh was a product of their collaborative work, they each created separately, developing their own style of Butoh. Hijikata’s Butoh was often referred to as ‘dark’ – he himself called it at one point ‘The Dance of Darkness’. In his pieces he often distorted the body, using spastic, tense movements. He was trying to move as far away from the aesthetic ballet approach to dance as he could, sometimes to the point of ‘shock art’. Ohno, on the other hand, was a very spiritual man. His work was more soft and gentle, full of compassion and poetry.
So from these two founding fathers emerged two very different styles of Butoh: – the ‘dark’, ‘ugly’, sometimes shocking style, and the ‘light’, poetic, often aesthetic style. Although much of the Butoh that has been created over the years can be associated with one of these two styles, many Butoh artists that have developed their own understanding and interpretation of Butoh, creating new styles and from of expression.
According to Hijikata and Ohno this is at the core of Butoh – they have always claimed that one can not imitate Butoh. Butoh must come from the heart and soul, therefore each and everyone has their own Butoh that they must discover.
Skuespillerskolen Ophelia tilbyder også kurser i skuespil, scenekunst, stemmeføring og meget mere. Se vores udbud og tilmeld dig et skuespillerkursus her.